[Webinar] Retailers' innovations during the covid-19 crisis in Singapore

New retail, South-East Asia (Singapore, Indonesia...)



July 22, 2020

Singapore is one of the most innovative cities in the world. As elsewhere, retailers had to take measures and initiate an accelerated digital transformation to maintain their activity during the various phases of social distancing and confinement imposed by the government. This transition was made using technology, strongly encouraged by the government. The city of Singapore, which […]

Singapore is one of the most innovative cities in the world. As elsewhere, retailers had to take measures and initiate an accelerated digital transformation to maintain their activity during the various phases of social distancing and confinement imposed by the government. This transition was made using technology, strongly encouraged by the government.

The city of Singapore, which had resisted full containment until early April, was finally forced to put in place progressive restrictions to protect its citizens from covid-19. Non-essential businesses had to close their doors and begin their digital transition to compensate for their drop in income.

With government support, many retailers have had to accelerate the development of their own delivery platforms and services. The crisis has highlighted the importance of a direct sales strategy, faced with the increase in commissions taken by delivery platforms, and of an adapted communication strategy. The use of social networks and the rise of the Chinese trend of live-streaming have even allowed seniors and traditional markets for fresh products to continue to buy and sell during confinement.

Through the following webinara quick overview of initiatives, starting with Facebook

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Sell ​​by video on Facebook

la vente via facebook

The crisis has accelerated a trend that had started to gain popularity in Singapore: buying from live video. This method allows traders who do not have e-commerce platforms, such as market vendors, to offer their products directly on Facebook through an auction system. This sales channel is particularly popular with older people.


Sell ​​online on new platforms to sell stocks


The emergence of new digital sales platforms has helped support the transition from smaller and traditional distributors to online sales. B.halal is an example of a platform that was able to save the investments of thousands of traders who ended up with surplus inventories due to the cancellation of the annual Ramadan fair.


Communicate to customers the hygiene measures in store


In Singapore, traders choose to communicate openly about the proper implementation of safety and hygiene measures in stores. They can thus reassure the most skeptical and worried consumers in order to restore confidence and encourage the visit of the store.


Improve your brand image and commit to social impact

Mesure d'hygiene

Several brands communicate on their commitments in partnership with associations and charities in the country to support the fight against covid-19. Some encourage donations directly on their platforms while others choose to donate part of their sales (with textile masks for example).

Transpose the customer experience by innovating

Experience client innovante

Singaporean retailers (restaurants, bars, shops) are creative and use innovative solutions to transpose the experience into a virtual store. From Michelins meals served by waiters at home, ready-to-drink cocktail kits, or even a digital customer advice service for young mothers, ideas abound and allow merchants to maintain their customer relations.