WHAT'S UP EN ASIE ? Blockchain & Bitcoin

Découvrez les startups asiatiques qui ont axé leur stratégie autour du Blockchain du Bitcoin ! Coins a épargné 78 728 565 minutes de file d’attente aux philippins depuis 2014 En Asie du Sud-Est, plus de 300 millions de personnes n’ont pas accès...

How Do Corporations Deal With Blockchain Opportunities in Asia?

One of the innovation buzzwords in recent years is the blockchain. This technology permeates the underlying workings of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. But it holds huge potential outside of the payment sector and may even revolutionize the way the world economy...

Asia's Usage of Blockchain and Bitcoin: Insights from Vijay Ayyar, Head of Business Development at BitX

We had an interview with Vijay Ayyar, Head of Business Development at BitX, to explore how Asia is leveraging on Bitcoin and blockchain technology. BitX is a universal Bitcoin platform that provides highly secure mobile wallets, institutional quality exchanges, and...