Should you attend 6th Cities Summit 2015 Tel Aviv

Basic info about The 6th Cities Summit 2015 Tel Aviv Held in Israel on and on the 7th-8th September 2015 Summit hopes to address all of the crucial factors that are facing urban administrators in today’s complex digital world. Topic covered were regarding Smart...

Why you should really attend DLD Tel Aviv Festival

Basic info about DLD Tel Aviv Festival Held in Israel on the 6th- 12th of September 2015. DLD Tel Aviv Digital Conference is Israel’s largest international hi-tech gathering, featuring hundreds of start ups, VC’s, angel investors and leading multinationals. Our...

Why you should really attend Tokyo Game Show

Basic info about Tokyo Game Show Held in Tokyo and on the 17th-18th of September 2015 with an estimated number of 28,000 in attendance. The cost of attending this show is approximately S$2,600. Tokyo Game Show is the global trade show where a large number of key...