Should you attend Go4Israel 2015

Events, Innovators



November 17, 2015

Basic info about Go4Israel 2015: the annual international business conference Held in Israel and on the 26th of October 2015. The cost of attending this event is US$360. Opportunity to explore Israeli innovative companies, China and emerging markets, fund raising globally whilst establishing strategic alliances globally. Topics that were covered were Emerging markets, Innovation and fund raising. […]

Should you attend Go4Israel 2015Basic info about Go4Israel 2015: the annual international business conference

  • Held in Israel and on the 26th of October 2015.
  • The cost of attending this event is US$360.
  • Opportunity to explore Israeli innovative companies, China and emerging markets, fund raising globally whilst establishing strategic alliances globally.
  • Topics that were covered were Emerging markets, Innovation and fund raising.

Our experience with Go4Israel 2015: the annual international business conference

  • International and Israeli entrepreneurs, investors and business leaders are among those who attended this event.
  • Past speakers of this event are Dr.Yuval Steinitz who is the Minister of Intelligence, State of Israel and Eric Zhao who is the Director at Sino-Israel International Innovation Park.
  • Corporations may explore the role of their businesses in emerging markets by employing Israeli expertise whilst also connecting with international leaders.